...and by heat I mean heater.
Our heating system for our house keeps breaking. It's really kind of awkward too because, besides from the fact that the repair guys speak VERY little English, I really have no idea how these systems work anyway. Our house is heated by oil. So from what I understand the oil heats water which then flows through all the radiators and heats the house, or something like that. I'm female. I don't care. I just want my heat. So they thought the problem was the oil was low, so we bought more oil, which was expensive, like $2000 expensive (you can send me a check). Then it broke again. So the guys have been here today fixing it (I think). They don't really talk to me and left without saying anything (I mostly stay upstairs with the dog because young woman home alone in foreign country with strange men in house=bad things). So I have no idea if the heat is working or what the problem is/was. On the plus side, the landlord pays for the repairs so, whatevs. James is finally going back to work today, with a regular schedule. No more holiday breaks, poor kid. It will be nice to get into a more "normal" routine, if ever there was one. The unpacking is well...going...We have a lot of kitchen stuff, like A LOT of kitchen stuff for our tiny little European kitchen, so I found a cabinet that will give us both space to cook on and space to store in our kitchen that we are going to look at today. I did something terrible to my back, I think moving furniture, so I have been alternating ice and heat and downing Ibuprofen like an addict. There are things to be done but I would rather sit here haha story of my life. Dishes, laundry, cleaning, etc. Wife life. Love my husband, hate chores. James does a significant amount between games of Skyrim or whatever it is he plays. If only he would remember to put the toilet seat down I would be very thankful.
I've started using this app called "MealBoard" which basically allows you to plan your meals and then will compile a grocery list from your choices. Its really kind of neat. It proves to be somewhat difficult to plan meals on a budget when the grocery store on base is out of half the things you need. James and I did try a German grocery which was cool, but everything is more expensive and in smaller portions, and it also takes a while because we have to Google translate basically everything to figure out what were looking for lol. Maybe once I actually learn more German we can try again. Until then we will just have to deal. You would think it wouldn't be that hard to keep the on base grocery store stocked for all the Americans that are out of their own country allowing the country to remain America, but it seems the priority got messed up somehow. I've also learned that if I have a medical emergency that I am SOL for an American doctors. There are German hospitals around, but the closest American emergency facility is 2 hours away. The on base medical facility is basically only a clinic and closes a lot for teaching days something. Cool guys. Seems to me they would learn a lot more by staying open and treating people rather than watching instructional videos or doing team building or whatever, but not my choice. Lets just hope I don't have a medical emergency before I learn German. Or after I learn German for that matter.
Anywho, I started a food blog because I like to take pictures of my food, so you should check it out.
What a glut. Yep. That's me. I'm a glut. Like slut but instead of giving my body to multiple men I give it to multiple foods. Its fantastic, I know. Don't hate. I'm sure Brad and Gretch are proud. I can see my mom rolling her eyes at the name now (Hi mommy).
Alright, I suppose its dishes time. Meh.