This is what I know about the devil:
He's strategic.
He's patient.
He's cruel.
He's relentless.
He lies in wait until you are happy and everything is fantastic in your life and then BAM! He's there, ruining everything and anything in his path. Anything he can make go wrong, he will. And he won't stop at that. His tactic is to just keep it piling up until you can't take it. One thing after the other gone wrong. One more burden on your back. One more pain you can't take.
Well I'm here to tell him KEEP IT COMIN' BRO.
The one thing the devil doesn't get is that my God is bigger and better and will completely own him. Everything he does to ruin me will be squashed and something so much better will come from it. The devil may think he is strong, but he is only as strong as you let him be. He attacks when you feel weak because he is weak, and can't attack when you are strong. SO HOLD STRONG. Do not let him get to you. Talk him down. The moment you give in you let him win. DON'T DO THAT. God is, has been, and will always be stronger than the devil will ever be capable of. So here I am, sitting here with thing after thing being thrown in my face, and the devil laughing at my pain, and I am laughing at him, because he cannot and will not win. When push comes to shove, the devil is a bully and a loser and he always will be. I don't give in to bullying and neither does God. Bullying is pathetic. Get over yourself, devil.