Serendipity. A fortunate accident. That's my favorite word. I created this blog not because I'm good at blogging, but because I'm really terrible at blogging. You should know that about me. God only knows how many blogs I have out there that haven't been posted on since I created them. I'm hoping that this one will be different because, well, I'm married now, and that supposedly changes your life, right? So, let me introduce myself. My name is Kristin. I like to read. I love my dog. I love my husband. As a general rule I don't like humans, but I work in retail, so what can you expect. I have absolutely no social sensor, so things often come out as awkward and offensive (and somewhat hilarious). My husbands name is James and he is in the Air Force. While this blog will most likely be a random compilation of anything I find awesome, I'm hoping it can also be somewhat of an outreach to other military and Air Force wives going through similar things as me. I can't give any promises: that I will be positive, that I will be negative, that I will make you laugh or cry. I can only say I'm hoping writing out my thoughts, feelings, questions, anything about life, love, marriage, God, military, books, America, the world in general, and my dog, will somehow make me and anyone else feel less alone. So back to serendipity. If you stumble upon this, I hope this will be your serendipity, and I hope it will somehow change your life for the better.
Love you, so proud of this...MUAH, MUAH! Mia