Tuesday, March 25, 2014

How Did You Get Into College?!

This may be bitchy, but it needs to be said:
I hate when I have to respond to stuff other students have submitted. I find myself always wanting to just respond by copying and pasting their work, and then highlighting and fixing all of the spelling and grammatical errors. My professor for this class even requires us to answer five different questions at the end of our submission, one being "Did you check your grammar and spelling?" and I am amazed at the people that have yes after that question. So you checked it and just didn't fix it or what? Type your stuff up in a Word document. Word will show you all of your spelling errors, LIKE MAGIC. This is a college class, I do not care that it is a science course, you shouldn't be even allowed to enter any college course if you don't know simple grammar rules. Its seriously distracting for people like me that are just trying to do what is required. I refuse to respond to anyone's post that has grammatical and spelling errors over and over again because it's so hard for me to read, I don't feel it's even worth my time to respond to someone that incompetent. This makes my life so difficult because I have to go through and weed out all the people that don't know the English language to be able to respond. I do not care if this is mean or harsh. It needs to be said. I understand that some people just don't do well with writing. WORD WILL DO IT FOR YOU. Seriously. Do you think your paper all underlined with red squiggly lines is a good thing? It should be taught from a very young age not to type things up on the internet, but to use Word and then copy and paste it from there. Everyone makes simple mistakes now and then, but most can be prevented and changed so easily and no one makes the effort to do it. HOW DID YOU GET INTO COLLEGE WHEN YOU WOULDN'T EVEN BE ABLE TO PASS THE THIRD GRADE?!
#petpeeve #peoplearestupid

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